From Produce to Poop

I apologize for the strong title, I guess I should have eased into the poop rather than throwing it out there like I did. Let me explain myself a little here. I recently traded my blue dress shirt for an old t-shirt and jeans. I went from being in charge of the grocery departments in a major retailer to vomit and diaper duty. But as drastic as my career change is, I wouldn't change leaving the stress of late nights and weekends for early morning pancakes and bottle feedings with some of the greatest kids in the world. I will admit it has taken me a little bit to adjust to an audience of two rather than a staff of a few hundred, but I am optimistic that the girls wont hold out on getting me used to their routines. I have already begun to enjoy my new gig, as scrubbing markers off a two year old has been my greatest challenge thus far. Even with the possibility of meltdowns and nap-less days ahead, I am content to be right where I am- a peace I haven't felt in a very long time.


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