17 Again

Is is just me, or do you wish that you could go back and tell your seventeen year old self a few things? Lessons learned? Advice? Don't get me wrong here, I don't wish to erase the past and I certainly don't wish to do high school all over again. Gosh no, I barely survived the first time around! But I'll be honest when I confess that sometimes, okay a lot of times, I wish I knew what I know now-then. Does that make any sense? Well, in any case, if I had the chance-this is what I would tell the seventeen year old me- myself.

1. Peer pressure is overrated. I'm so thankful that I never let peer pressure get the best of me, but I wish that I never let others make me feel like I was missing out if I didn't (do) on anything. I honestly wish I knew then that I would turn out just fine without. That waiting was just as okay. Oh, and that saving money is even better than spending it (on those stupid jeans).
2. Never settle for less than what you deserve. This could apply to a lot of things, but I specifically remember thinking that I was stuck in a certain situation or relationship. That I had made my bed and needed to lie in it so to speak. I wish I could of been there to be the coach that I desperately needed-cheering me on to fight! Fight for what I thought I deserved and move on to something or someone better when it wasn't.
3. Listen to your heart. So many times I let my mind do the driving instead of letting my heart do the steering. Back then, I allowed myself to justify my actions, make excuses for my behavior and choices, and often times ignore what my heart was trying to tell me all along. Thankfully, the Lord walked with me and many, many times got me back on the right path.
4. The Lord will provide. I say this a lot but it is always on His timing. I can admit that waiting on the Lord's hands isn't always easy, but when His grace is revealed-its wonderful. I still don't think that I am worthy, but the Lord has stayed with me always even when I wasn't counting on Him. I have made some bad choices in my life, and some how the Lord has used even those situations and turned them into something of Him. He has provided for me financially but more importantly He has given me my husband and daughter.
5. Time does heal. Little did I know then, but I had yet to experience true loss. It wouldn't take long and I wish I knew ahead of time to take the time to grieve. That it was okay to mourn, and that choosing to live again would help the healing process.


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