Are You My Mentor?

I recently read an article called Are You My Mentor? by Sarah J. Robbins in Real Simple magazine that made a huge impression on me. The title obviously gives away what the article is talking about, but more rarely than anything do I come away feeling inspired enough to write on the subjects that I read about. Throughout reading this article I constantly asked myself who had been my mentor? I realized that I have had many influential people throughout my life, both on a professional and personal level, but never just one that I considered to be a mentor or sponsor that guided me through all those tough times and hard decisions, I had parents for that. I suddenly felt as if I had been shorted some how. Could I have been an even better person or gone even further career or faith wise had there been a mentor in my life? That's a big question! I know that each of my own parents have played such a huge mentoring role to many young adults throughout the years. It is not uncommon for teenagers, college students and even young married adults of all kinds to find there way to my parent's couch or dinner table for advice, faith, and guidance. I realized in the end that I am satisfied with the person I have become, but I know that the foundation in how I was raised and my faith in Christ are what have gotten me this far- no doubt about it. I know now that the busyness of life shouldn't get in my way of being a mentor for some one else. I have some influencing to do..


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