The Twins

Okay, I have something I want to confess. No, it's not about me having twins but rather about the girls (my boobs). I have to admit that I am besides myself. After struggling for 14 weeks I have given up on breastfeeding. Trust me, life is simpler now that Ava is no longer tied to me, but I am left feeling guilty. Guilty for whatever reason, even though physically breastfeeding was no longer possible. I literally squeezed out every last drop! And yes, I tried natural remedies to enhance my milk supply. Could it be that I just miss that bond between mother and daughter, or that I feel like I am being judged every time I make her a bottle? Going in, I never knew parenting would be so hard. Yes, raising another human being is hard work but handling other parents seems to be the real challenge. Since when did parenting become so judgmental? Shouldn't we (parents) be more supportive for one another? Aren't we all just trying to survive our daily demands and raise our children to their fullest potential? I realize that there's freedom of speech, but for goodness sake when did it become okay to blast one another with our opinions? Truthfully, wether I breastfed or bottle fed I received comments by other people. People I'm assuming fed their babies somehow at one point or another too- let's hope. But it's not just about breastfeeding; it seems everything baby and kid related brings up comments, and not always the motivating kind. I realized today that I am either going to have to develop tough skin or just learn not to listen to the negativity. I'm fully aware that my little rant here won't stop the worst offenders out there, but perhaps parenting has taught me enough about being able to handle anything that comes my way.


  1. Oh Sara... breastfeeding is so hard! And I feel your pain--times two. When Ben/Sophie were babies, I had not nearly enough and I just felt like a freaking cow hooked up to a milker! I was so frustrated, disappointed and felt like such a failure--especially when I saw mom's that complained about having SO much milk. Parenting is hard--and along the way you will often second guess yourself and question if you are doing this or that right... at the end of the day, Praise God and seek HIS guidance and you will be fine, and so will Ava. :)

  2. Thank you! You don't even know how much that helps make me feel better. No one told me how easily the momma guilt would come.


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