How Do I Keep From Hovering?

Glancing at the calendar today I realized that I am just 11 weeks shy of becoming a mother. That is if she doesn't make her grand appearance before then. You could defiantly say that I am feeling a little bit nervous. I may be one of the few who isn't fearing the delivery room but instead for the first night at home with her and all the nights after that. Will I be good enough? I'm sure I am like every parent who questions themselves and their parenting abilities at some point. Up until now, I hadn't thought much about what kind of parent I will be like. I have taken care of other babies and children for most of my life that I thought having one of my own would feel just as natural, minus the giving her back part. I recently read "Help for the Hovering Mom" article in the fall issue of Real Simple Family, and was introduced to side of parenting we all hope to avoid but somehow end up becoming, well at least a little bit. Before I dove into the article, I thought that I was just going to be reading about a parenting style I would be sure not to do with Ava. Yes, I am one of those people who likes to read about everything "not to do" rather than "how to do" first. Call me crazy, but I somehow pictured myself handling the first guy to ask her out with style and grace, despite my husband showing him where he kept his hunting rifles when he picked her up for their first date (yes, the threat has already been made). A page in I became even more nervous for motherhood. I realized as the article was trying to convenience the reader on how to be a good parent without helicopter parenting, that I could be found just as guilty of hovering now. Already, I hover over my younger brother and he isn't even my kid, I'm doomed!! There have been many times where I have tried to protect him from making the same mistakes or getting hurt in the same ways as I was. I suddenly had a flash of myself filling out my daughter's application in hopes of her getting into a good college despite letting her do it herself. I was quickly becoming my worst fear realized! Okay, so I may be getting a little worked up for nothing. I know that being a good parent means sometimes making mistakes and learning from them in the process. Although she isn't quite her yet, I at least have a good tool on how to avoid becoming a helicopter mom ahead of time. This at least gives Ava a fighting chance of fighting her own battles, and me, well, learning to let her try.


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