
Here we are baby girl, celebrating your seven month already! You may not be aware of how fast you are growing, but just know that time feels like it is on fast forward. Overnight you mature, and somehow wake up only to take on the next milestone. I love that you are always curious, determined, and yes even stubborn enough to keep trying new things and discover the world around you. I love that you wake up happy every morning. I love that you get silly and really, really laugh out loud. I love that you reach for me, and that you swing those chubby little arms around my neck. I love that sometimes, out of nowhere, you will just hug me and it makes my cry happy tears every time. I love that you play, and actually have an attention span long enough to enjoy your toys. I love that you eat vegetables in the same way as I want candy. I love that you are no where near as picky of an eater as I am. I love the way you pull yourself across the floor, and the squeaky sounds you make with your fingers in the process. I love the way that your hair falls in your face, and the fact that it doesn't bother you in the least. I love that you know how to clap now, but more so that sometimes you so innocently do it at inappropriate times. I love that you giggle when you are doing something you aren't suppose to be doing (I can say that now for the time being). I love that you still want to snuggle on my chest. I mostly just love you for being you, and I thank God everyday for His blessing- 



  1. Sara I love all your writes....i look forward to everyone. ... love you


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