Dearest Ava

To My Ava,

I find myself writing less of these to you, which makes me sad, but I'm also busy chasing you daily. I am busy taking you all in. Memorizing the way you look. Sound. Smell. I am busy feeding you. Giving you new foods, and praying for more teeth. I am busy reading to you. Teaching you. Playing with you. Laughing with you. I am busy kissing you. Hugging you. Holding you.
May you never stop running. May you never stop climbing (except on the furniture, it makes me feel like I am flirting with an accident requiring stitches and a heart-attack). May you never stop checking out new things. Learning. Asking questions. Being curious. May you never stop reading. Playing. Singing. Talking. May you never stop giggling. Chuckling. Laughing. Smiling. May you never stop calling me Momma. Wanting me. Needing me. May you never stop kissing me. Hugging me. Holding me.

I love that you are growing. Getting older. Wiser. Becoming more of you.
But, just for a second, I wish I could pause time.

I love you with my whole being. My everything. All of me. Forever.


  1. sara...beautiful writing love you all. I enjoy reading your thoughts.

  2. sara...beautiful writing love you all. I enjoy reading your thoughts.


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