Third Times The Charm

Well as the old saying goes- third times the charm! After three pre-approvals and three years of looking for the "one" we finally found our one. To say the least we are beyond excited to start this new journey of home ownership here in Kasson, MN. As of Friday September 25th this beautiful 1940's Cape Cod just checked in to rehab, and the Schlaeger's are holding the golden key! I will be doing my best to keep track of our progress along the way- so stayed tuned for some ugly before's and some hopefully much better after's if I play all of my cards right (or better said, paint right).

May the painting ever be in my favor,

P.S. Thank you to everyone that has prayed for us, 
and especially helped us (and will help us) 
with our home. 
We feel beyond blessed! 
The Lord provides! 


  1. Wonderful news! Congratulations to you, Adam and Ava Grace! May God continue to bless you!


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