Its the Journey

These past two weeks have been a blur. My mind has been on paint colors, hardware, tile, and carpet choices and must I add caffeine- lots of it! I've been the crazy person trying to re-do every square inch of a newly purchased house to make it ours. What did I get myself into?! But as we near towards move-in day (this Saturday, by way), I can't help but take a step back at look at a transformation well done and how thankful I am for the ones who helped us get it there (my parents especially). I have never taped, primed, painted, and cleaned so much in my whole life and I didn't even have to tile (my husband did)! I promise to share the results and of course the ugly before's too, right after I unpack and sleep for a few hundred days or so. But in the mean time let me leave you with a quote (one I didn't say don't worry),

"It is good to have an end to journey toward; but it is the journey that matters in the end."-Ernest Hemingway

-I keep repeating this over and over as I wash out my brush for the umpteenth time,



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