The Motherhood of the Traveling Pants-

I have been contemplating on writing this for awhile now, but I have come to the conclusion that I need to share my success story to hopefully inspire someone to do the same. I hate being the center of attention; which is why I'm always writing about Ava- she's so much easier! But, here I am putting myself out there. It was a year ago in March that I looked at pictures from Ava's birthday party and had enough with the way I looked. I had lost some of the "baby weight," but not enough to really feel good about myself. We were in a hard place at the time; my Mother In-law was slowly dying from lung cancer. It was an emotional roller coaster, and one that wouldn't end until May when we lost my Grandmother too. I was probably in the worse state-of-mind emotionally, but I knew that despite the pain it was something I needed to do for myself. I was determined going in that I would lose weight on my own with the free resources I had. I wanted to see if I could do it without spending the money on programs, shakes, or even a gym membership. I know that I could of lost weight faster having help, but I proved it can be done on will power. 55 pounds later, I am at the weight I was in high school (well plus a little extra in the boobs and hip area)! I somehow managed to go from a size 14 pant to a 10; which keep in mind was not even my original goal. I accomplished this in less than a year and have been working on toning and staying in shape since then. I did it by cutting out most of the crap, but really by not snacking with the girls and drinking a lot of water. If there are days I want dessert or pizza, I eat them and then work out a little longer (to justify it I suppose). I defiantly didn't get to where I am now by starving myself or by putting myself on a strict diet. I'm actually a terrible vegetable eater still, but managed to slip a little green in now and then. Where I helped myself  was cutting out my drink calories (no alcohol, juice, or soda) and by increasing my water intake (a gallon on the days I work). This was much easier than cutting out some of my favorite foods. For exercise I do squats and walk a lot. In the nice weather I usually will take a walk with the girls- sometimes two, and then a 2 mile walk alone at night by myself. On the not so nice weather days I stick to the work-out videos I have saved on Pinterest. Some of the videos are only 5 or 10 minutes, which is sometimes the reality when having kids around.

Hopefully this is the only time you see me this naked, but the proof is right here. All of the hard work feels totally worth it when looking back to where I started. I'll keep the stretch marks, but I am never going backwards again. Now that I have gone through this journey, I still know that I am not meant to be a poster child, but I do hope that my story at least shows anything is possible. Take it from a mom who gained 50 pounds (and only 9 of that was baby) during my pregnancy. I never thought I would get to where I am- ever, and I did. You can too!

Here are the links to some of my favorite work-outs:

You got this!

XOXO, Sara


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