To the New Mother-

To the new mom anticipating the birth of their baby, this is for you-

First of all I want to be sure and tell you that you are going to be not just an awesome mom but an excellent one, because you are! You were born to do this; to raise the next great generation!
Please remember that at 2 AM when you feel far from it. Please remember that when your clothes don't fit right, your tired, emotional, and being a parent seems harder than it should be.
But I am here to tell you that the best things far out way the hard things. And that your love for this baby is so much more than you could of ever imagined! I am here to tell you that you are the best thing for this new little blessing. That the first few weeks are the hardest, scariest, but also the fastest out of the whole first year. I am here to tell you that the unknown quickly becomes like second nature. That you have to listen to your gut, ask questions, ask for help, take a lot of pictures and videos, and write down as much as you can in a journal. I am here to tell you that "Mommy Guilt" and worrying come way too easily. That the only cure is to pray and to trust in the Lord. I am here to tell you that it will be the hardest but most rewarding journey you have ever embarked on, well second to marriage that is. That time will be your enemy, but to hold onto each milestone and to cherish each moment good or bad. I am here to tell you that you need to take care of yourself too. That doing that is sometimes the hardest part, but you will surprise yourself and how much you can handle. I am here to remind you that you just grew an actual human being, to not be so hard on yourself, and especially to not compare yourself to others. I am here to tell you that everything will be different from what you know now, and what you thought you knew- but that you got this!

Welcome to motherhood,
XOXO- Sara


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