Girl's Day Out

As you may know, we decided early on this summer that we were going to complete a bucket list with Ava. It has forced us in the best ways to get creative with new and exciting local activities to do. Today, along with my mom, we took her to Hillside Nursery in Chatfield. Thank you to her awesome co-worker's recommendation we left there with an amazing mini-farm experience under our belts; and what an awesome way to introduce these animals to Ava by letting her hold and pet them! Even if you're not looking for free entertainment, their quality and prices on plants and flowers were hard to beat. I'll be back next spring for my flower pots and window boxes for sure, and if not sooner to hold those bunnies again!

Hillside Nursery
12348 Spring Road SE, Chatfield, MN 55923

Thanks Sandy!


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