

I can't think of a better excuse to dust off the blog then with an anniversary post. It's seems like every year this date sneaks up on me, and maybe that's a good thing, meaning we're busy having fun. I'm sure for most of my adult life I will continue to say, "It feels like it was yesterday!" when referencing to our wedding day. In so many ways it does, but at the same time, many moments have passed that have tested us and forced us to grow and love each other stronger. I realized when writing this, that parenting our Ava has brought out the best in you; it has forced us to try harder as a husband and wife. You continue to amaze me by how easily you demonstrate selflessness towards us. If there is one thing that has remained the same since our wedding day, it is that I'm not sure I deserve you. I remember thinking then, that the Lord was looking out for me by placing you in my life. You always seem to get me, and continue to. Thank you for loving me so hard.
Not a day goes by that I don't pray for you and thank Him for giving us more time together.

Happy Anniversary My Love!

I love you so,


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