Lucky 15?!

In all the things that I have gained since becoming a mom, I couldn't help but notice all the things that I have lost. Oh, but don't worry I have made a list in case I ever forget and for your reading pleasure. Shes totally worth it- but as minor as some of these may be, I did cry over a few of them.

1. The ability to stay awake past 10 pm. I swear if I make it past then I might as well join a frat party because I feel as if I am hung over the next morning. Can you say walk of shame to the nursery or more like walking zombie!
2. The ability to eat at the same time as my husband. Taking turns is overrated!
3. The ability to take a nap, since apparently closing my eyes are what wake her.
4. The ability to pee with the door closed. Yes, it happens and she isn't even crawling yet.
5. The ability to poop with the door closed or in private I might add. It never fails that when I am alone and trying to do a #2 Ava cries her eyes out. When I am not alone, I swear it is the moment Ava does something "cute" that my husband cant wait to tell me about.
6. The ability to watch a full episode on TV.
7. The ability to watch a commercial on TV.
8. The ability to write a full post on my blog in one sitting. Thank goodness for the save button!
9. The ability to wear a shirt without spit-up or drool.
10. The ability to run, sneeze, or even do a jumping-jack without peeing myself.
11. The ability to wear underwear without a maxi pad, just in case I happen to do a jumping-jack.
12. The ability to take a long shower. Heck, I am lucky if I get to wash both my hair and my body in the same rinse cycle. Forget shaving!
13. The ability to shop. I have never been in and out of a store so fast in my life. My husband probably wishes we had kids sooner!
14. The ability to have sex whenever I feel the urge. Welcome to the whenever you can squeeze it in club Sara (maybe my mom was on to something with the every Saturday thing)!
15. The ability to have a girls night whenever I want. I am the first to have a kid plus who I am kidding- refer back to number 1.


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