Sweet Olive

There will be a time when I'll hate to admit that we were content with just Ava. A time when we couldn't imagine trying for another precious human being. A time when we didn't consider giving Ava a sibling because we didn't think there was room in our hearts for one more. A time when we let the fear of losing another child take us over. I'm writing this, not to empty my conscience, but to let you know just how wanted you really are. Much like before, there came a time when our hearts longed for one more. A time when we imagined who you were and the relationship you would share with your sister. A time when your dad and I came together to create the most precious gift we could possibly give to our family. From the time those two pink lines showed up, to the blood test confirming your sex, we have prayed for you. Prayed for your health and future as you continue to grow inside me. Each week has been a blessing! Now as we near to the finish line, I'm anxious as ever to meet you. To finally see the face up close that I imagined all this time. There's something so wonderful about knowing that the love of your life is about to make her debut; how blessed am I to say that my heart will be filled for a third time! Just like I did for Ava, I picture everything about you. What you'll be like and some of the things you will accomplish. But the best thing about that statement is that everything I have dreamed about or hoped for will be completely changed by who you already are. Which by the way is so much better! So in many ways my dearest Olive, what I'm trying to say is that you are so wanted and so loved. Keep on kicking in there, and we'll see you on the other side-



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