Best Big Sister

Dearest Ava,

I am writing you from a different perspective this time. Your role as an only child is about to expire, but fear not it is just the beginning of something great; something wonderful. I am writing you this not just from a mother's point of view, but as a big sister myself. Although, I may not be one to give advice sense Uncle Tutu took awhile to get used to. It seems silly comparing my young self to your situation because you already carry yourself far more mature than most three year olds. You seem to understand more about this pregnancy and what Olive will bring to our family then I ever anticipated. Enough to make this momma's heart melt! I know there will be moments of  jealousy, hurt feelings, and mixed emotions once your little sister arrives and that's okay. The bond that you two share is already shown through by the way you kiss my belly and tell Olive how much she is loved. I will admit that it is a little emotional, okay very emotional, writing you this because our duo is about to become a threesome. Know that I will forever cherish the three years I got to share with just you, something Olive will never experience, and a lot of wonderful memories we can carry into this next chapter.  I can't wait to see the love that you already feel, and a bond that only sisterhood can bring, grow along with you both. With happy tears, I want you to know how proud of you I am; for the person you are becoming and the great big sister I know that you will continue to be!



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