High Five

What’s even more surprising, besides my lack of creativeness when it comes to titles for my posts, is that I’m celebrating my fifth wedding anniversary tomorrow! I have to first comment on how fast these years have gone by, and then on how blessed I continue to be by being married to Adam. Each day he gets up and loves me harder. Most of the time I am not worthy, but he continues to show me his faithfulness on loving and accepting me for who I am. Total cliche' but I am so thankful!
In the past anniversaries I have written on how much we have gone through and how we are better for it. That still remains true, but this year I feel happy and complete as we welcomed our second daughter this past summer and sealed our fate as a family of four! From the expert bachelor I met back in 2009, Adam sure rocks our girl world over here as the best husband and father I could ever hope for. God is sure good in that way!

As JJ Heller says best,

"Falling in love with you was easy.
You were always meant to have my heart.
I was broken all to pieces.
You were there to be the missing part.
Nothing makes sense without you.
It's like waking up in the dark.
I didn't have a song, until you came along.
And I never want to go back
To the way things were before.
You saved me and you made me yours."

Happy 5th Anniversary Mr. Schlaeger!
-Love you so,

If you want to reminisce along with me, here are past anniversary posts:


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