One Sweet One

In typical second child fashion this is one of two posts. The first one you can read here-
Not to add further salt to your wound Olive, but your sister had one like every three months during her first year. Just figured I would confess that now, as I am sure there will be plenty more you can "hate" me for later on in your young adult life. Where do I begin, except to say that you have changed my life for the better in every way possible. Thinking back to a year ago, deep down I always knew there was a special reason I prayed harder for you throughout those nine months. It still feels so surreal to think back to all of God's details on getting you here safely, and that is something I will never take for granted. Your birth story still plays vividly around in my head, and continues to be my daily proof of what a real life miracle looks like. In just your short lifetime, you have given us this gift of showing us why we should never take anything for granted.
In the days leading to your birthday, I came across JJ Heller's song "When I'm With You," and it instantly felt like it belong to you. It wasn't until after you came though that her words to that song seemed even more fitting. Almost as if they were written for just you. As these past months have flown by, it has been so bittersweet watching you grow and change so much. You constantly keep us on our toes these days, and continue to prefer crawling and climbing on and up most things to walking. You are a sweet combination of loud and quiet. Starring down people in public earned you the nickname of "Judge Judy," but it has led us to so many conversations with strangers who you evidently bring a "small" joy to their lives. I hope deep down you will always know what kind of gift you truly are, and that no matter what you choose to do with your life in the future, know that you were meant to be here and change our world for the better. Happy first birthday sweet Olive Kay (Ollie, Ollie Oop, Little O, Liv, and of course Judge Judy)- we love you!

Momma, Dada, and Aya (Ava)

JJ Heller- When I'm With You

When I hold you in my arms, Love
Something changes
It's the strangest feeling
The things that used to matter
They don't matter to me
When I see you
And you're smiling
How my heart aches
So full it is about to break
You make me believe in love

I could never count all the ways
That you change me, Baby
Every day the sky is a deeper shade of blue
When I'm with you
When I hear you, and you're crying
It resonates, Dear
In a place I didn't know was there
You make me believe in love

I could never count all the ways
That you change me, Baby
Every day the sky is a deeper shade of blue
When I'm with you

Beautiful baby
You're sweeter than strawberry pie
Just like the morning
Your smile brings the sunshine

I could never count all the ways
That you change me, Baby
Every day the sky is a deeper shade of blue
When I'm with you

I could never count all the ways
That you change me, Baby
Every day the sky is a deeper shade of blue
When I'm with you



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