Less is More: Continuing on in the New Year

As I mentioned back in January that I would be setting out to simplify or un-complicate my life rather than set resolutions this year, I figured we are about half way there and it was time I checked in. Or rather, explain why I started this journey to begin with.
     Backing up a bit, it was right after I gave birth to my second that my world shifted a little bit. Or a lot! She was diagnosed with a rare umbilical cord defect that left me feeling both extremely grateful and uneasy. You can’t be given news like that and not be changed! See it was her birth and a series of events soon after that led me down a path of searching for something. Less of everything actually. It was in that moment of learning that had Olive pulled and severed the umbilical cord, not only would she obviously not have made it, but there would have been an extremely high risk of me bleeding to death. From then on I realized that no material thing would of saved me in that moment. Not a big house, fancy car, or a closet full of clothes (I wanted) would have brought my baby or myself back. It was right then that I decided to love more and live with less.
    So for the past six months, we (my supportive husband and I) have been getting rid of anything that doesn’t matter. Slowly we have gone through everything and only held on to the things we love or use. However, the biggest and hardest transition for me has actually been my heart. Letting go of anything that doesn’t matter or make me feel good, but it’s never that simple is it?! That part has been so much harder than letting go of any possessions, because I want to fix everything and do everything to please everyone. Which I have learned is never a good thing; because, like multitasking- the important things aren’t being truly focused on. I’ve realized so much this year that I’m not in control of anything but myself. A lesson I seem to be relearning. But I’ve spent a lot of it developing “tough skin,”  praying, and focusing on what really matters. It’s amazing that once you start peeling back the layers and letting go of the access, how free you can really be. And it actually turns out that I really didn't need a whole lot to live by, and many things that make me happy require my time and not my wallet.
    I’m no where near done with this lifestyle change, and I have a feeling that even after all the debt it payed off and the extra parted with, I’ll still be a work in progress. But it’s a journey I would rather partake in. Less is definitely so much more for me. Less = More.


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