The Elephant in the Room

I was quite certain a week ago that I was going to get rid of my blog all together and then here I am writing. It seemed then and still kind of does, that like social media, I’m beginning to want less of a presence. More privacy perhaps! Or maybe just less to focus on! I find that a bit ironic, because back in high school, before the Facebook or Instagram daze or days, all I was wanting was likes and to be noticed. But it was in this last year come August that I got hit with some hard truths. Really hard truths. And everything as I knew it was changed forever; and much like looking in the mirror, which I did a lot, it shined a light on a lot of things I had been ignoring. Big things. One of them being how busy I was and how busy we all claim to be! But was I really busy, or just really distracted and wasting my time? So the elephant in my room was and still is, why do I feel so alone when I am the most connected? There I said it! Anyone else feel that way?! Surely I can’t be the only one! Without going on too much of a tangent, when did it start being okay to like our posts but not check in with our lives? Like really check in. When did it stop being okay to stay connected instead of social media connected? Sure, don’t get me wrong, having social media makes keeping in touch with those we don’t see every day or talk to regularly a fantastic tool, but it also has become our replacement for true relationships other than the ones we are forced to keep. Just a food for thought, and I’ll end this here-
Are we really too busy for each other, or is it we are all too distracted? Too caught up in likes and shares of our posts? Too busy scrolling instead of prioritizing our time for the things we care about?  Too busy focusing on the things that bring temporary joy instead of lasting happiness?

I would love to hear what you think below-


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