Miracle Baby: Part Two

I’m not sure what to even say here, but I do know that I want to write something down while it all feels so fresh. My brain is still having trouble wrapping its head around this past week. All I am certain of now are of three things- never doubting my “Momma gut,” and never taking my children’s health or having the Mayo Clinic so close by for granted. You see when my youngest daughter woke up last Tuesday morning, I had no idea how such a simple concept would change my life profoundly. This is the second time my little Olive’s life has done this to me. It’s been in these almost losing her moments twice now, that has left my world turned upside down, but in the most wonderful way. I can’t express, and especially not here, what that feeling of beating the odds feels like. It almost feels a tad taboo talking about the what if’s, but I just don’t want to waste getting another chance with her. Olive’s bacterial infection could of taken her life and it would have if we were at home. She stopped breathing briefly on Tuesday night and that I truly believe is what got us to be observed overnight after our second visit to the ER. Had she not shown that warning sign, the ER probably would of just given us more steroids for her croup and sent us home again. I am still in awe of how the Lord’s hands worked for her that day!

This was from a post that I had written back in October after having Olive in the ICU for three days with a rare bacterial infection in her trachea and croup. When we left the hospital afterwards, I remember feeling relieved because I felt as if we had somehow barely escaped what could of been our worst reality, and really is for many parents. I never published my words then because in some ways it felt like I was gloating. Please know that is not my intentions! Now looking back, Olive had many cords hooked up to her small 15 month old body at one point including oxygen, but we left after three days with none. In such a blessed way, the cords were keeping her alive in the beginning, but she left healed and hasn’t had any issues since! We still have no idea why or how she became so sick. But for the second time, I have truly witnessed a miracle; and I am only sharing this because I will never underestimate the Lord again! I know that our ending is so very fortunate, and I am also aware that for many it doesn’t turn out that way. It has been through these two very scary circumstances with Olive (the first being her birth), that has allowed me to see how the Lord can work out every detail in anything, and how He uses even the bad for good. He has also allowed me to get a small taste of what some people are faced with daily, and because of that, my heart will always be open and praying going forward for each and every one in their own hard circumstance!
-We are so thankful for the nurses and doctors at the Children’s Hospital of the Mayo Clinic! Thank you also for anyone that is reading this that prayed for her healing; Olive is a happy and healthy now 18 month old who can count, sing, and climb up and on everything!


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