Waking Up

 I've been trying to write something along these lines for really the past six months, but its hard to manifest positivity or lightness when we are all very much still in it. It being lots of different things but especially the pandemic. When there's no end it sight (COVID-19) it's hard to not want to give up. All of this feels much bigger than one human self because it is; it's affecting all of us in some way and a lot of larger things feel at stake beyond just our health. What has maybe taken this long for me to see the good in all of this could not have come at a better time. I will share that in a moment, but I first wanted to share a poem I came across. I have mentioned this before, but words have a way of finding my heart. When I am open, the universe has this beautiful way of finding like-minded individuals. And their words only prove how much we all need each other- 

The universe is not trying to break you, 

my dear,

it's trying to find a way to wake you up,

so that you will see

what is real,

and worth fighting for.

It takes time to heal,

but it also takes courage.

-Unknown source but taken from Art of Poets

Back in March, I very much felt like the universe was trying to break me. You too? I thankfully had already laid a foundation and had made some major life pivots (my second daughter's birth was my wake up call) without the virus knocking at my door, but that doesn't go to say that I didn't feel like all I knew and cherished was being threatened. It did and it still very much feels that way! But what I have come to realize and hold on to recently, is all the good things that this virus has given me. I'll share my list in hopes of encouraging you to do the same. While this list doesn't take away from the things that this virus has taken, my hope is that by focusing on the positive- I am staying in this fight. It takes time to heal and courage to do so they say, so here I am. This pandemic has shown me what is real, and if your looking, it has for you too. 

COVID-19 Has:

Cleared my calendar.

Kept me home in the very place I've made my own.

Made family time the only time.

Made me miss family and friends- so in turn made me truly appreciate them. 

Made me thankful for technology.

Made me thankful for essential workers.

Made me thankful for teachers.

Made me focus on my neighbors.

Made me focus on my community.

Kept me shopping for only what I really need. 

Made me want to eat and shop locally.

Brought me outdoors.

Made me watch less news and more meaningful media.

Made me read more- so in turn made me appreciate well written words. 

Made me text and call more instead of using social media outlets to stay connected.

Turned on my imagination and creativity.

-I know this list will grow now that I am much more aware and in a grateful state of mind. You may find that to not be where you are; but I do know that my former state wasn't serving me then and definitely not now. I challenge you to do the same. 

We're in this together-


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