You Too?!

 I’ve lost my faith in humanity a little bit. What will our future together look like? As a stay at home mom and nanny, my struggle in finding a community was something I was already struggling with. That was before the pandemic. It’s hard to carve out time in what we as moms seem to be already desperately juggling- kids, chores, appointments, errands, relationships; often times even forgetting to put our selves on that list. Where does meeting new people and friendship land in the year 2020/21 and beyond? We’re home bound now more than ever, and if we’re out and about it’s for essentials and hidden behind masks. I try my best to smile with my eyes, but I’d be crazy to think meeting people in public right now is even safe. With that being said, is it okay to admit that even before COVID meeting moms felt difficult at best? It often felt like the memo read BYOF (bring your own friend) to the playdate, park, or school pick-up. Small talk and support felt like a foreign policy, and that friendships to-date were better off hidden behind social media accounts. Id be lying if I said that I was confident we would all be eager to socialize once this pandemic was behind us, but I'm not convinced we will prioritize our social relationships in the future. Even though we do in fact, need each other. Forgive me for being the "Debbie Downer" here, but I am putting this out here in hopes of landing at someone's relatable feet. 

In the mean time I'm the one over here (with probably the upside down mask and foggy glasses),



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