A Woman’s Instinct

 “There is an instinct in a woman to love most her own child; and an instinct to make any child who needs her love, her own.” 

-Robert Brault 

I believe this quote found me. I have that happen to me a lot, but this one here hit me straight in the heart. You see, I’m nearing my eighth year of raising other kids along side my own. And I’ll be honest, I’ve been struggling with knowing that this chapter is nearing the end. I’m both ready and scared at the same time. Nearly all my kids are school age, and it’s getting to the point where they no longer need me in the same way. It’s both freeing and terrifying. So much of my identity is and has been wrapped up in being their nanny or their stay-at-home mom. And because I have no idea what lies ahead for me outside of these walls; or better yet, if I really completed my mission of raising small humans into their next seasons of life. Oh boy, has there been growing pains, and not all of them- for them. I’m even a different person! But before I found this quote, I worried if they would forget about our time together, or worse need therapy in the future because of me. However, I realized that nothing or no one can take these moments, both good and bad, away. I do love my four nanny kiddos and of course my own. And these six haven’t been the only ones benefiting from the love around here-


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