Daughter Proof-

I recently added a section to this blog titled DAUGHTER PROOF. And I wanted to explain a bit here as to why I feel this section of my writings are so important to share with the outside world-
I’ve been a “Girl Mom” for seven years now. And because I grew up sister-less, I was beyond thrilled to be raising two girls who would indeed get to share something I could only imagine. With that being said, I’m far from an expert of the emotions behind us females and even less qualified to be raising some and then sharing about it. And if we’re being really honest, I didn’t even know how to braid until recently (thanks YouTube)! 
So how does a tom-boy turned mom of girlie-girls end up here? 
I’ve gone through a lot in my short life time. And I’ve had even more time to think about it all. Being a female is tough! Let’s face it, even us women are hard on each other. After I had my first daughter, I started leaving her notes in her baby book. Seriously, I would leave high school advice within the pages of her first year milestones. I wanted her and then her sister to not only have the advice I longed for at their age; but in a more morbid sounding way, I wanted my words to be there in case I wasn’t someday. 
It took a global pandemic for me to realize that what I was leaving behind for them, could also be enjoyed by anyone who needed to also read my words. 
My goal was really to just let what was ever on my mind or on my heart to pour out on this website. And although I also incorporate other people’s quotes within my advice, the biggest message I hope to leave is: 




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