Tea for Three

This week the nursing home where my grandmother lives put on their annual tea party for the residents. I was fortunate enough to be off of work so that I could a company her along with Marissa. When I arrived to pick Gran up she was already dressed to the nines and despite neither of us liking tea or even wanting to try some, we were eager to join in with the other ladies.
It was 1:30pm  on the dot when we had made our short jog over to the other side of the nursing home and surprisingly we were one of the last few to arrive. Settled in our seats it took only a few notes in  to realize that Gran had forgotten her hearing aids. I tried to reassure her that she wasn't really missing out on listening to the harp player, but I ran back to her room to recover her ears any way. When I returned, the harp player was still struggling through the same song and Marissa was content coloring just as I had left her. It didn't take long after the hearing aids were in for Gran to pick up on what I had been saying all along about the music. After the hymns were finally finished we were joined together for some lunch, pocket sandwiches and tea. In the end Gran, Marissa and I settled for some lemonade but the tea party atmosphere was still very much there and we had a lovely afternoon together.



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