Forgiveness, Easier Said Then Done?

If you are looking for a great read, and especially a book to bring you out of your funk, Let Hope In by Pete Wilson should be on your next shopping list. Yes I am a reader and he just happens to have saved me from self destruction after my miscarriage, but no matter what you are going through or even if you are at your happiest-READ THIS!

Here is a little tease:

Some of you have somehow convinced yourself that you can manage the hurt from your past without offering forgiveness. In fact, maybe you even tell yourself that you can hardly remember the pain. But unfortunately, the pains we dare not remember are often the most dangerous pains of all. We fear these particular hurts so much that we stuff them deep into our heart and past. But they always come back. Usually disguised, but they always come back. You may be completely justified for the bitterness you have. You may have every right to not forgive certain people in your life. But you need to know bitterness contaminates everything. It spreads far and wide and deep. Bitterness doesn't isolate to the source of bitterness; it spreads to all of your relationships. And left unchecked, it will ruin everything that is important to you.

Which is why sometimes you don't forgive someone for their sake; you do it for your own freedom.

What a powerful statement in such a small paragraph. If that didn't leave you thinking, right? After I read that for the first time I was quick to justify the ones I hadn't yet forgiven. It took a few reads in for me to realize that even though I felt okay and looked okay on the outside, deep within my heart I was still hurt from things that happened in my past. It is almost funny how things work out sometimes, as I recently apologized to someone that had done more damage to my heart only to feel forgiveness in the end as if they had apologized to me too. I know that I could not of apologized or felt forgiveness if it wasn't for the Lord's hands guiding me through. He can do wonders!
Can you forgive?


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