Simple Pleasures

I have the joy of being able to say that I can enjoy the simple pleasures of life daily. I realized today more than ever that I have never felt more blessed to be exactly where I am then right now. Getting to watch two beautiful girls grow and show off each of their little personalities makes me feel as if I have struck it rich somehow. I cant imagine going back to my "real" job in the retail world now that I have tasted the freedom of having nights and weekends to just my husband and I (not for much longer). Today I felt lucky as I watched the youngest and her sister laughing and playing together. I felt lucky knowing that I have played apart in their resent accomplishments and successes of becoming mobile and mastering both number 1 & 2 on the potty. But most of all I felt lucky knowing that the little girl growing inside me would soon get to be apart of this all girl party too, and I cant think of two better kids then for her to start out her life with.


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