Five Months

Perhaps I am still in awe or shock that I have a five month old baby already. Yes, we will go with that being the reasons behind not writing this entry until now. I mean she turned five months old on the 18th for crying out loud! So, here it goes. The moment when I tell you what she has been up to lately, or more so the moment when I feel like crying again for the umpteenth time. Hopefully I am not the only mother that gets emotional at the thought of her baby growing up so quickly. Couldn't have time sped up this fast through the high schools years?! Or better yet, the ugly duckling stage mid puberty?! Anyways, I strongly realize that I am just going to have to face the fact that she wont be a baby forever. Yes, I can do that- can't I?

Ava now rolls, scoots, and sits up by herself. These last few days she has been rocking on all four- Lord help us! She has started to become more independent, like preferring to feed herself. Mommy has been struggling with that one. Ava is really into playing on the floor with her toys now, which the girls love because they can play along with her too. Anything within her arms reach has become fair game, as everything is going into the mouth these days. No teeth in yet, but Ava has taken a liking for some frozen watermelon chunks that seem to be doing the trick on those sore gums. Chewing on baby spoons might be as equal helpful in her book. We are enjoying the summer weather, and have taken Ava to the community pool a few times now. She continues to be our little water baby!
This past weekend Ava's aunt was back from Colorado to celebrate her resent graduation as a medical assistant and the continuation of her education in nursing. Needless to say, the following pictures were taken for her but they turned out too cute not to share. Future Mayo Clinic employee?

You're going to put that where? 


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