The Simple Ways

Do I really need an excuse to write? More so, why do I wait for an inspiration? Needless to say, here I am, writing, after getting inspired by an article in the latest Ladie's Home Journal (Its their last monthly issue by the way, just a little FYI). What can I say, LHJ is my mag (magazine). Okay, so that did not at all come out sounding like the effect of "it's my jam" that I was hoping for. Is it possible that I am already the uncool mom?! Don't answer that! Anyways, back to the real topic at hand here. Ladie's Home Journal did a piece on the Simple Ways To Keep Your Marriage Strong. The article interviewed many married couples on the little meaningful things they do that keeps their marriage strong. What can I say other than it got me thinking-

So here I go with, yes, another list. Well, my husband does so many little meaningful things.
He keeps our marriage beating, seriously ;)
But, do me a favor before you roll your eyes and possibly gag at what I am about to write here; think about the simple, yet meaningful things you and your spouse do that keeps your relationship afloat. Hopefully, you are inspired. We cant be the only couple that takes care of each other!

  • We have always had an unspoken agreement with taking turns on the household duties. But somehow he manages to always tackle the dishes before I can. 
  • He puts Ava to bed every night. It is their time together, but honestly I think he mostly does it in order to give me some me time. 
  • He still tries to paint my toes even though my big pregnant belly is gone now. Well, shrunken enough for me to see my feet. 
  • He comes off tough, but he is sensitive enough to notice when I am off, even if just by a little bit, and could use an extra encouragement and supportive hand. 
  • I let way too much bother me. I am always over thinking, well, everything. But no matter how silly or big my problems may be, he never makes me feel bad or stupid for feeling that way. Instead, he helps me get through all of the cloudiness. 
  • He buys my favorite magazines or books during his lunch hour some times.
  • He has left work early a few times just so that he could pick up a bouquet of flowers in time to make it home before me.
  • He hates to rub my back, and needless to say I never give him any, but he sometimes will rub mine for a long time even when its late and he's tired. 
  • He always calls me on his way home to ask if I need anything.
  • He emails me everyday asking me how his girls are doing.  
  • If Ava gets up during the night, he is always taking care of her needs before I can even hear her on the monitor. Yes, he has good hearing!


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