Crazy Eight

Here we are again, only this time celebrating eight crazy, awesome, and wonderful months with you. Its kind of funny to think back at this time last year when you were growing in my belly. I remember putting this great amount of pressure on you to grow bigger and stronger each day. I remember dreaming about what you would look like and what kind of personality you would have (sorry I didn't picture you with much hair). I say its funny to reminisce about pregnancy memories because you came out screaming into what has become an even better person than I could have ever imagined. Each day you grow bigger and stronger. Each day you seem to know a little bit more and do a little bit more than you did yesterday. Seeing and being apart of your discoveries has and will continue to be my greatest legacy. And just so you know, being your mom is a privilege.

I will love you forever,
I will like you for always.
As long as I'm living,
my baby you'll be.

Happy Eight Months Dearest Ava Grace,
Love- Mommy

Hobbies Include: Crawling everywhere. Pulling myself up on whatever is stable. Snacking on puffs or yogurt melts (peach is my weakness). Playing with my toys. Sneaking into the bathroom or the office and getting into things. Pulling myself up in my crib. Giggling. Saying Dada, Mom, Mama, and Ba (Ball). 
Likes: Crawling. Toys. Candle lids. Shoe laces. Standing. Walking with assistance. Eating sweet potatoes and corn baby food. Self-feeding puffs and yogurt melts. Waving. Clapping. 
Hates: Getting nails trimmed (mom too). Getting dressed. Nose drops. 


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