Oh Body of Mine,

I'm sorry that I haven't told you much lately that I love you. I really do, deep down. I do. I'm sorry that I didn't appreciate you growing up. For taking every single beating out on the soccer field, and yet no broken bones. I'm sorry that I let peer pressure and jealousy take over and tried to cover up what I had convinced myself was a flaw. Or worse, what I thought wasn't good enough. I'm sorry that I am an emotional eater. Or just a person who really likes food. I'm sorry that I let two (probably more) second degree sunburns force me into making a habit of wearing sunscreen. I'm sorry that I never told you how thankful I am for creating, growing, and keeping Ava safe all of those months. For healing and boucing back after she was safely delivered in this world. I'm sorry that it took six months for me to stop eating like I was still pregnant. See, I told you I like food. I'm mostly sorry that there are still days when I am not confident and do not feel beautiful. That there are still moments when I need to be reminded of all that God has blessed me with.


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