
Two years of marriage is looking good on us! Through all of the happiness, trials, and tribulations you continue to only make me thankful-

Thank you for loving me more each day. Thank you for giving me your whole heart and for mending my own. Thank you for seeing my flaws and for loving me anyways. Thank you for your faith, patience, and strength. Thank you for your kisses each morning and each night. Thank you for giving me Ava. Thank you for giving me the sisters I never had. Thank you for giving me your family. Thank you for providing. Thank you for working hard. Thank you for your perseverance. Thank you for being the best man, husband, and father that you know how to be. Thank you for being my coach, cheerleader, and biggest fan. 

"Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord would fulfill His promises to her." Luke 1:45

-The Lord has been so good to me!

Love you so,


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