And just like that we are on the eve of you turning 18 months, or in other words half way to turning two! How it that possible? Didn't you just have a birthday? I have so many more questions for you young lady and as to why you are growing so fast! The days together just don't seem long enough that there are plenty of nights where I wish I could wake you so that we could stay up all night talking. I have so much I want to tell you! Instead I just focus on your breathing and I pray for you. I pray to the Lord for your covering but especially for more time with you. I tell Him how thankful we are for you. I hope you feel how much you are wanted. Each morning you wake up happy and eager to learn and discover the world around you. Each morning you say more words, eat less vegetables, and throw more tantrums but we are in this together. This time with you, the last year and a half, has been the hardest, sweetest, and most precious time in my life. I am so thankful for your abundance of love, patience, and forgiveness. Each day you grow into someone who is so much more then we could of ever hoped or prayed for. You my sweet child are wonderful and are so loved!

Love you,

These Beautiful Pictures Were Taken By My Ever So Talented Brother-Corey Larson

Ava's Outfit
Shirt- Baby Gap
Shorts- Crazy 8
Hair Clip- Urban Finds (Medford, MN)


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