
I have realized more then ever lately that raising a baby is much like carrying one throughout your pregnancy. Even after being pregnant I still cant seem to grasp when the round baby bump starts to form. It just happens, and often times overnight. Having a baby is much like that, but your emotions are far weaker then finally caving at buying maternity pants. Throughout those first few months I remember trying to focus on everything Ava was doing. I tried to memorize the cries, the coos, the smiles, and especially the way she looked because I knew it would all change. But how quickly they change sneaks up on you, ready or not. Its like suddenly they wake up looking older and can suddenly roll over, then crawl, and then walk. Now having a toddler, I realized this week especially that I am still very much apart of this growing game. Everyday Ava wakes up saying more words and especially trying new things. She's my ever growing dare devil! I have never been good with change, but now being a mother it's bitter sweet to say the least. I would be lying to you if I said that I don't miss the baby in my Ava, but now having her say "my momma" with a side of wet kisses makes this emotional journey all worth it. I don't know what lies ahead for her, and yes that scares me a little (okay a lot!), but I keep my Grandma Evie's favorite song in my head, "Que Sera, Sera."

-Whatever will be, will be.


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