New Year

Believe it or not, I am ready for a new year. 2015 brought too much heartache followed by the craziness of fixing up our newly purchased house into what would finally feel like home. Now 19 gallons of paint later I can finally admit that it was the perfect distraction to get me through the rest of the year, that and my almost two year old daughter. And although I'm not sure what 2016 will bring, I've made a few promises or goals rather (and in no particular order) to get it off on the right start.

Pray for others-
Be more patient-
Choose my words carefully-
Get on a nightly routine-
Paint less-
Save more-
Pay off crap (yes it's possible to kiss those student loans goodbye)-
Date my husband-
Try new recipes-
Unpack the wine glasses (and those other two moving boxes)-
Unplug the phone and social media more often-
Breakout the flash cards with Ava-
Stay fit-
Stay positive-
Write more letters-
Read more adult books-
Learn to braid hair-
Heck learn to sew on button-
Grow a garden-


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