Chapter Two

Dearest Ava,

In exactly 16 days you will turn two. In so many ways you already carry yourself in this manner, but yet it still seems hard to grasp onto the fact that you will be another year older. Someday, you will understand what I mean when I say that time goes by so quickly. Too quickly!  I am so guilty of wanting to keep you this little forever. There I said it! Instead I will have to settle with drinking you in every single day, and that I do. I am guilty of kissing you too much, of wanting to do everything for you, and letting you sleep on my chest during nap time. I am guilty of taking too many pictures, buying too many shoes, and letting you have just one more fruit snack. I am guilty of checking on you at night, crying when you get hurt, and almost folding when giving you a time-out.
I am guilty of worrying about you, praying for you, and wishing for more time with you.

I know that there will be a day when everything will change and you won't need me in the same way as you do now. I promise that no matter how much I will want to protect you (from everything), that I will let you make your change to this world of ours. There I said it!
But if you don't mind, I am going to soak you in
as my almost two year old a little while longer...



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