Prayer Warrior

So much to say and just a lifetime left to say it.
How quickly time passes.
If I had my way, I'd keep you safe within my arms
While the storm of life crashes.
I won't always be with you, my child, but words I can give.
When the winds of hope are dying down, these words will live.
Above all else, know God's the One who'll never leave you.
Look to Him above all else.
He is love you can depend upon, a heart set to care.
If in the darkest night you should be lost, He will be there.

He's the Everlasting Father,
In His hands you'll never fall.
He's the One who holds it all,
Above all else.
He's the Giver of the kingdom
Bought for you right from the start,
And He'll ask you for your heart
Above all else.

So much to say
And not enough time left to say it.
Just love the Lord
Above all else.

-Michael and Stormie Omartian

I'm sure I am not the only praying parent who feels that this song pretty much covers what is on their heart. When I first became a mother, no one, not even my own, could of prepared me for the worry that comes with raising a child. I remember feeling this immense load (and not my literal nine pound baby) when I left the hospital. In fact, most nights that first month I would cry as soon as the sun went down because it meant it was night time and that I would have to trust in the Lord to let her sleep alone in her crib. The thought of losing her consumed me, and the worry would have won, but I had a simple prayer each night that left me peace. I prayed that the Lord would cover her eating, sleeping, and especially breathing. Now that I am about to celebrate another year with my girl that prayer has grown since then. Looking back, praying for those three simple but profound things seems so much easier then it does now. I am not quite there yet, but I have already begun praying for her friends when she enters into school; something that terrifies me. I'm sure most parents of teenagers would warn me that it gets even more complicated over the years. As I begin to picture my little girl blowing out three candles next week, I know in my heart that I am really just beginning the journey of a praying parent. So much up until now has been taking care of her physical needs, that now I am realizing the impact my prayers are having in shaping who she will become. My list of prayer needs will grow along with Ava, and whether I care to ever admit it, time will continue to win.
Thank you Lord that you're with me always-


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