
Contentment is such a silly concept sometimes. It's silly to me because it really feels more complicated than it should be. What also seems silly, is that while setting out on a journey of doing and especially owning less, I find that I have to remind myself about being content more now. I think before taking this simplicity path over a year ago, I had never used the muscles that require what contentment brings to our well being when we simply focus on it. Now that I have been getting better about saying no and spending less, I find that I have to talk myself through some of the voids (not that they're bad ones) and just live in the moment more often. After all, I believe that's what contentment really is about. What I mean by this, is that with my debt for example, I want the end result now. Like right now. If I didn't have my husband or even Dave Ramsey screaming (not literally) in my ear, I would forget to eat and work seven jobs just to unrealistically speed up the painful waiting period of paying off high amounts of debt and forget my well being and my family's in the process. Another area in my life is motherhood, and specifically about my role as a stay at home mother but also as a nanny. Which I know, places me in this sort of a weird category. But I often get lost in the every day mundane. And I am fairly confident that while I will have plenty of good things to offer my future employer, knowing the "Baby Shark" lyrics and changing diapers in under a minute is not the extra something that they are looking for. I think Glennon Doyle said it best when she said something along the lines of, that your days are busy but the kind of busy that doesn't require your brain when writing about her staying home and raising a baby. While I will always view my role and current career choice as a privilege, there have been many times when I have caught myself dreaming about future coworkers and a larger salary. It is in those moments that can lead to feeling discouraged and sometimes even lonely in my present situation. After all, it can be hard to see past the diapers and the little humans that are always wanting to eat.
I realize now as I am typing this, that I am really writing this for my own heart. I am hoping that through the areas in my own life that need the constant reminders, it can encourage you to be content in your current season as well.
XO Sara


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