

It's been the fastest six years of my life! It's true what they say, who ever "they" are, that time flies when you are having fun! Probably some mom trying to stay positive in order to fight back the tears that inevitably come with the reality of  how fast children grow. My reality is that it's your six birthday on Tuesday and another year together has passed. You are growing into such a smart and kind person with or without my permission. Kindergarten has allowed you to spread open your wings this year, and for that I will be forever grateful. I love that even though your days can be hard, you choose love and kindness as your automatic response. You are a light Ava Grace and a much needed one in this world. 
Never change!
To my forever rainbow baby, we love you and are so proud to call you ours-
Keeping on growing. Keep making mistakes. Keep learning. Keep on loving. Keep playing. Keep trying new things. Keep questioning. But just not so fast!


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