
 It feels a bit like the movie 13 Going On 30, but growing up is all that I ever wanted to do. I have always been the one who acted older (well most of the time). In my high school days I carried myself like I was already in college and in my twenties most people assumed I was already in my thirties. But guess what happened when I actually became thirty? I loved it! I am almost in my third year of being thirty that I have found confidence in no longer pretending that I am older, but instead finally being comfortable with my own age and my own self. It was when I read about someone in her forties describing their wrinkles and grey hairs as patina, that I realized with every new found age there's a gift. 

When I was younger, thinking about the future seemed so far away; unimaginable, so it was fun to wish to be older. I craved experience that came along with the birthday cake. Plus adulthood seemed so much better than school age (the joke's on me). But now that I have some of that experience under my belt and scars both figuratively and physically, I discovered the gift of new age is the actual life being lived. Each birthday going forward is just more evidence of life; so, I challenge myself to continue to make the most of it!


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