No Longer Juggling-

 If you can picture it, three years ago I was balancing a whole bunch of spinning plates in the air. Except to say, instead of pulling off this “act,” they came crashing down in the form of physical symptoms that were sort of poisoning my body. I just had a baby, and although her birth was in itself both traumatic and miraculous, my reaction was not entirely to blame on sleep deprivation and hormones- it was mostly self inflicted. I was trying to do it all literally and pretend that I was actually happy and not at all the anxious wreck that I was. -Everything I was saying yes to and trying to balance was leaving me with very scary symptoms in return. And ironically, the people and things that matter most to me were getting the sad little leftovers- called me. I began by cutting back and clearing my calendar before COVID made it a thing. Living with less actually saved my life, and I will always be an advocate for a simple lifestyle. I am a recovering perfectionist and people pleaser. It’s in my DNA to be those things, and I have to continue to reconfirm daily what is most important. Saying no, is still not my natural reaction. In fact, I’m a little allergic to it and feel guilty when yes can’t be my answer and no has to be my life- saver. And, while we are at it, I continue to struggle with asking for help and taking time alone when I need it. Often surrendering when it is actually too late. 

I’m admitting to all of this because I’m not sure I ever really explained why I had made dramatic changes in my life and in my family’s. In some ways, pre-pandemic, I felt a little like the bear that got poked. -But I’m putting these words out there in case anyone else needs them too. 

I don’t want to pretend that I have figured “it” all out. It’s a journey after all. But I will leave this here and give anyone the permission to also start doing less. I believe COVID has forced this lifestyle already for all of us, but please continue to only say ‘yes’ to what is actually serving you. No one else gets to decide what is best for you, but you! I’m here supporting you, but if you ever need a really good source and the person responsible for giving me the permission to stop- Courtney Carver at Be More with Less 

She’s the one who gave me answers and then led to a larger support system. We’re out there, will you join us? 



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