My Debt Free Scream!

We're Debt Free!  

I've been waiting for so long. For this feeling of both excitement and relief. Perhaps, better put- freedom. 

Almost four years ago our lives were changed forever. And I realize that saying those words out loud have been said before, but for the few of us who have let our wake up calls change us, these words hold true. One hot summer afternoon we went to the hospital to have a baby, only to discover that she had beat the odds in order to come home with us. That feeling of knowing that we almost lost our youngest daughter (a 75% chance) changed us in the way that we knew no material thing could of filled the void of losing a child! We decided right there that we would no longer be in debt, and have worked since to pay off everything else (in 2016 we paid off over $10,000 in credit card debt). However, it turns out that it wouldn't be just our daughter's birth that would inspire a radical change in how we handled our money, but a surprise PICU visit 15 months later too. Looking back, almost losing our daughter twice was our why behind our debt free journey. And although the pandemic put a wrench in our 2020 plans, we are now $104,032.59 lighter after all student, medical, and car loans have been paid off! 2021 is the year that we not only changed our lives, but really our family tree-


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