Student Loans

 Following the announcement of becoming debt free I thought it would be appropriate to state a little more of the specific debt we paid off. For me, the most important and very emotional one was my student loans. Don’t get me wrong the medical one was too because it was mostly from our time spent in the PICU with our youngest. One of the scariest moments of my life! It’s crazy to think that debt can carry more than just a balance that gets paid towards each month. For me again, paying towards my student loans each month not only meant a large chunk of my paycheck went towards them, but also my past hung in my present. Reminding me of a time in my life I wish to not repeat. College wasn’t where I found my community. It wasn’t where I discovered what interested me. It wasn’t where I connected with professors. It wasn’t where I met my forever friends or spouse. In fact, it was the darkest time of my life. I tried out three different schools, hoping that changes in campuses would bring the experience I was promised and that my depression would go away. However instead, I was left with un-transferable credits and a two year degree I haven’t used yet (but still thankful I finished). I realize not everyone shares the same experience in college as I did, but I’m confident that no one likes having their loans loom into their mid- adult life. I can think of many more ways I would rather spend the $600 payment! 

 I can assure you that while I can’t make up for the past, I do know paying off my student loans allows for a brighter future. A future for my daughters where grants and scholarships will be welcome and student loans will not! I pray that they both enjoy their college and find their community or future spouse, but if perhaps they’re more like me, I’m proof that who you work with can bring those things too-


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