Everybody Always-

 I don’t know what place you are in currently, but when I hear those words, “everybody always” I kind of want to tell Bob Goff to shove it. A little harsh yes, but I’m not in a space or place where I’m ready to go leap bounds and love everybody and most definitely not always. With that being said though, I do naturally care and was raised to lead with a kind heart. So what about we sit with those words a little, “everybody always.” I will admit that Bob is on to something. And I couldn’t think of a better way to follow up with his other book “Love Does.” But what if you want to love everybody but also want to feel loved in return? Let’s go there for a bit. 

My good friend had emergency surgery today and her daughter’s graduation party is in two days. I don’t know about you, but the math doesn’t look good. And if I was not in the mood to cancel, than I would be at least in the mood to panic. But guess what, she totally handled it like a boss. She already had a half a dozen people lined up to take over and get her house ready. And I didn’t know wether to be impressed or jealous of her village showing up like that. Maybe a little of both. 

Because here’s the thing. I’m not sure I would have a village show up. In fact, a few years ago I did have a similar situation happen and I fully had to lean on my husband and parents like my life depended on it too. I’m not sure if it was because I’m usually in the giving seat and was too afraid of asking for help, or if I was in a place where I couldn’t gather enough people up for said village. I’ve shared this before (just look at the previous post), but friendship hasn’t been easy for me. Many let down moments in my career of being a human. Reading books like Bob Goff’s inspires me to lead with love and be the exception, but it also inspires me to be open to receiving love, and perhaps even asking for help too. 

Maybe you’re like me with the whole underdog thing of friendship. Maybe you’re like me and in a place of feeling more used up, taken advantage of, or naturally shy and introverted. Yes, I’m not in the place of loving everyone just yet, but I do think it’s an important reminder that quite often the ones that need love most are the people that make us uncomfortable, and I would also add, the people like me. Yes us too need love- always. 


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