

Hello, is anyone else a big ball of nerves today?! I’m going to go out on a limb here and assume most of us are still feeling anxious about this whole virus thing! And even though I am the very same person who wrote a blog post to my daughters on Grace, I could really use some about now. In fact, not only are Anne Lamott’s words above my anthem of choice these days, 2 Corinthians 12:9 is too. 

But as much as I’m looking forward to my kids (all of them) going back to school, I still can’t help but feel anxious about how to face another school year during a pandemic. Not to lighten it at all, but I somehow already survived online learning with four and a broken dishwasher with six kids in tow during the pandemic. Does that make this a piece of cake then?! 

If your like me today: lost, torn, and afraid just to name a few of the emotions- keep His Grace close by. I have a feeling we’ll need it! 


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