
I just recently moved. You know the drill of packing up everything you own and shoving it either into a moving truck or a storage unit. It’s hard to believe that everything I cherish in material form could be stored in a 20x20 metal box! If I hadn’t already, moving forced me to really go through my possessions. I mean everything. Down to even the junk drawer. And yes, I was the meanest mommy in the world (my girls declared me so) for not taking all the happy meal toys and stuffed animals with too! But it wasn’t just packing up our stuff and getting the house ready to sell that left me in a season of vulnerability; it was building a house (and waiting for it) that left me counting on others probably for the first time too. I mean really asking for help. This recovering people-pleaser couldn’t face this season alone. Have you been there too? While asking for help still isn’t my strong suit and staying with someone else for longer than a weekend isn’t either, recovering and establishing roots in my new home has forced another kind of season to face. And really a different kind of faith. The kind where things in life aren’t bad, just new. This verse in Colossians perfectly covers what I’m currently feeling, 

“As therefore you have received the Christ, Jesus the Lord, walk in Him, having been rooted and being built up in Him…” 

Col. 2:6-7

Rooted. Built. Both beautiful concepts that I am so desperately trying to cling to as I now unpack all my possessions. Walking in Him. Hadn’t I just done that during the last three months of homelessness?! Prior to moving I had only really experienced my faith in Him as an adult during my desperateness in really hard times or when everything beautifully aligned. Medical emergencies, job changes, death. Promotions, marriage, motherhood. But clinging to him as I start over in a new neighborhood is, well, a different kind of vulnerability. And I realized that while the unknown is really it’s own kind of scary, walking in Him is a daily thing. Yes, in sickness, goodness, and even newness. 


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