

This is in no way meant to expose my youngest. If anything it will expose me as her mother, because four years into doing this life together and I’m learning more from her most days. God continues to show me that He will equip me as a mother for the child He has blessed us with, and that could not ring more true with Miss Olive Kay. “Curious George” and all. Throughout these past four years we have gone through many life changing moments with her. I don’t say that lightly, as many know about her two near death situations (birth and at 15 months) and that doesn’t even count her jumping alone into the deep end at the pool last summer! But it has also been in this past week with preschool that has changed me too. I realized in raising Olive so far is that life isn’t going to be how we pictured it, or how we parent her sister. Even in frustration, she has given me permission to not only love more and slow down and explore this life, but most importantly be myself. Because while I’ve been busy trying to mold her closer to my comfort zone, she’s been allowing me to be okay with who I am deep inside. 

-It’s through the struggles and triumphs we are in this together one day and now class at a time- 


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