Fitness Blunder

In efforts to stay physically disciplined, I have been trying to join more classes that my gym is offering. I thought that I would start my morning off right by hitting the HIIT class or High Intensity Interval Training. Sounds intense doesn't it?! Less than five minutes in I realized that it was going to be more like a beginners boot camp. It was the instructor's first class, in fact she had just been certified to teach HIIT on Sunday! Its never a good sign when the equipment hasn't been opened or used until then. Needless to say, the instructor read the exercises from a piece of paper and when she ran out of things to do, it turned out to be more like stretches at the end of a yoga class. I was a little more forgiving than the other fitness guru's, but I was also reminded to always be prepared before teaching. Poor Jessica, but little did she know she secretly made my day. Sometimes you just have to go with it and laugh on the inside.


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