Zumba For The Soul

In ditch efforts to wear off my day I joined the Zumba class at my gym. Keep in mind that it has been almost two years since I did a Zumba dance, hip swing, or anything trying to resemble a move. My mind set was that it had to be like riding a bike but I quickly learned it was not quite the same as hopping back on the seat. I can tell you after that I wish I had been a fly on the wall in that studio. I was maybe one of two women that had no idea what was going on, or to even get my hips to shake in the same way, and the other lost one was in a whole different age bracket and probably a retired one at that.  As I struggled to keep up with the rest of the talented, I looked at the familiar face in the mirrors ahead and saw a smile. I realized then that even if I looked like a fool, I was having the time of my life. When happiness has been more rare then common lately, I will take the simple joys in my life. Slowly but surely this girl is coming back!


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